Join us October 6th @ 6:30 pm as we welcome Anishinaabe artist and teacher, Frank Belleau, to talk Seasonal Hikes!
In our first hour, Frank will share his work in the studio and community. He'll retrace the steps of a recent Fall walk near his home, and take us with him through photographs of his path, and findings along the way.
We'll dedicate our second hour to creativity and connection. Please think of a place near to you - whether it's close to your home, or close to your heart - that you can visit every season. We'll make creative responses to those places (you can draw, paint, write, compose - whatever suits you!) and share them with each other.
This is the first of a series of walks we've planned with Frank. Each time we meet, we'll follow these trails, and get to know their seasonal shifts together.
Everyone is welcome!
Join our Zoom sessions with video, from a device, or by phoning in.
If joining via Zoom, be sure to download the software first, at https://zoom.us
Join us via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84874711955
Join us via Phone: 1 (647) 374 4685 Canada
Meeting ID: 848 7471 1955
To register, ask questions, get info or share ideas, contact Artistic Director, Miranda Bouchard @mirpy_doo at miranda@thinkingrock.ca
#community #art #communityarts #making #meeting #talking #sharing #learning #connecting #socialfabric #craftingcommunity #commonthreads #thinkingrockcommunityarts #autumn #fourseasons #land
Image details (in order of appearance):
The Fall trail, September 2020.
Vaccinium angustifolium (Lowbush Blueberry), September 2020.
Rhus typhina (Staghorn Sumac), September 2020.
Crataegus (Hawthorn), September 2020.
Frank on the Fall trail, September 2020.
All images: Miranda Bouchard


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